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Communication that Reduces Fight Flight Stress Response and Increases Higher Brain Functions  NVC

Communication that Reduces Fight Flight Stress Response and Increases Higher Brain Functions NVC

To learn NVC see her paid class: 10 This video TELLS you about NVC, the next demo video SHOWS you NVC. Since video #9 critcal voice explained why people become highly defended, and talking with someone like this can be hard, Crockett introduces the listener to a tool known as nonviolent communication (NVC). To LEARN NVC purchase this class: Blog post about NVC: NVC can help when dealing with difficult people, when arguing, when you are highly emotional, or simply practiced to grow higher brain functions, (like any practice such as learning chess or sudoku). She explains how practicing NVC calms the elephant brain (limbic brain) and cultivates empathy, attuned communication, and response flexibility (and other of the 9 functions of the prefrontal cortex--chart is available here: ) She also explains some of the underlining theory (as elucidated by Deepok Chopra in the foreward to the official NVC book) why Marshall Rosenberg created NVC. Rosenberg saved COUNTLESS people's lives by revolutionizing mediation practices globally. He got warring tribes in Africa to stop fighting, he got gangs and Detroit police to make a truce. Explanation video #8, #9, #10 order: At the end of video #8, Crockett mentioned NVC as one way to integrate our automatic ways of thinking (default mode or mind wandering) and achieve an expanded sense of self or "no self" state that are reported by people who have high levels of integration in studies. Video #9 explained Firestone's Separation theory for reasons WHY someone might be unable to achieve higher states of integration, why someone is highly defended. This video talks about how practicing NVC requires a certain quality of presence, which lines up with what this neurobiology blog has been discussing. Chopra specifically said Rosenberg had ahimsa consciousness and this is quoted and explained within neurobiology framework in this video.
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על מיינדפולנס בטיפול האקומי
The Attachment Theory: How Childhood Affects Life

The Attachment Theory: How Childhood Affects Life

The attachment theory argues that a strong emotional and physical bond to one primary caregiver in our first years of life is critical to our development. If our bonding is strong and we are securely attached, then we feel safe to explore the world. If our bond is weak, we feel insecurely attached. We are afraid to leave or explore a rather scary-looking world. Because we are not sure if we can return. Often we then don't understand our own feelings. Support our work and become a patreon: Never miss a new video: Support us to educate more parents about Attachment Theory: 💛 Course on parenting: Conscious Parenting Mastery helps new parents build those critical emotional bonds to their children. Sing up for a free masterclass here: Dealing with Attachment Issues: For those who feel like they can’t help themselves, or can’t find trust through their partners of family, we recommend looking for professional support through a therapy. Here three of therapies that those with such issues may want to look at: 1. Psychoanalysis. The aim of psychoanalysis therapy is to release repressed emotions and experiences, i.e., make the unconscious conscious. In order to do that, the therapist might try to bring back some childhood memories, to work at the root cause of the problem. 2. Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT). CBT is a psycho-social intervention that is widely used for improving mental health. Instead of trying to bring you back in time, it aims to explain to you what's going on inside your brain and how to cope with irrational feelings or fears. It’s the only form of therapy that’s widely recognized in Western countries as being effective. 3. The Hoffmann Process. This 7-8 day's guided process, designed by the American psychologist Hoffmann, brings participants back into their childhood to reconnect with their parents at the time when an attachment is formed. It's very intensive and could potentially be harmful if no proper supervision is being offered the month after. Special thanks to our Patrons: Ville Medeiros, Chutimon Nuangnit, Cedric Wang, Mike, Eva Marie Koblin, Julien Dumesnil, Mathis, and the others. You are wonderful !!! If you feel helpful and want to support our channel, write a comment, subscribe and spread the word or become a patron on Full Script: Sources: Havard Study Minnesota Study Further Readings:

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